Car Storage Industry: The industry predicts; that even if all petrol cars were banned by 2040 classic cars may still be protected due to the cultural benefits, economic value, and many millions of followers they bring. In the years ahead, and as cities look to reduce pollution levels and restrict combustion-based vehicles - owners driving electric cars for example may still wish to keep their cherished combustion one. The question is - where will they store them?

Car storage help - What this means in hindsight is, that consumers will be unable to park or drive their vehicles in the city. The benefit will surely mean that any car storage facility placed outside a city centre will reap the rewards.

Start a car storage business.

Take a look at the following articles to make your ownassumption:

James Elliot (2011) wrote an article for the Classic & Sports Car Magazine. In this article, it's reported by the Federation of British Historic Vehicles Club, that the Classic Car "hobby" is worth £ 4 billion with results from research concluding the UK has over 850,000.00 classic cars and counting. Other data confirmed these vehicles only contributed 0.24% of the UK's annual mileage. Why?? If they are not being driven, they are being preserved (stored away). Make money from classic car storage.

Car Storage Industry:

At the height of the recession, many industries declined this Industry grew. This is when we first diversified into Car Storage and set-up (2011) with 41% of companies expecting to recruit more staff at that time as reported in the article by James Elliot (2011).

In an article written by (2018), the Historic Car Movement detailed some predictions for the future, concerning new cars, considering changes within the Motor Industry. It states the industry is likely to be protected due to the fact Classic Cars only constitute 0.7% of vehicles on the road. Having said this, the article discusses items such as fuel, emissions, regulations and the advancement of AI driverless technology and the effects these items may have on the value of Classic Cars.

The industry predicts; that even if all petrol cars were banned by 2040, Classic Cars may be protected due to cultural benefits, economic value and many millions of followers it brings. In the years ahead and as cities look to reduce pollution levels and restrict combustion-based vehicles, owners driving electric cars, for example, may still wish to keep a petrol combustion one. The question is? where will they store it?

In an article by the Sun Newspaper (2019), it's suggested, that councils within cities may begin issuing pollution fines to cars of all types, unless electric. What this means in hindsight is, that consumers will be unable to park or drive their vehicles in the city.

The benefit will surely mean Car Storage companies placed outside a city centre can reap the Rewards.

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