The right type of facility:

Storage spaces suitable for a minimum of 60 cars are ideal and will make the investment worthwhile. These can be outhouses, agricultural barns, stables, chicken sheds (wooden framed acceptable) and modern brick, mortar and steel units.

If the site is Northern-based based expected income per car is £100-120pm (net). If the site is Southern based expected income is higher at around £140-160pm per car (standard space). Outside of London, and the South; companies are charging upwards of £180pm a car (net). 

The price can vary depending on various factors including security, a heated and de-humidified system, vehicle access, how modern and well-equipped the unit is, and the people who run the car storage business.

Noted: the higher the price per month - the fewer potential enquiries come in due to a market price cut-off. Prospected clients also have budgets to attain in many cases. Storing a vehicle must be worthwhile their end especially if classed as an Investment.

Higher rates for monthly storage obtain fewer vehicles but do incur higher charges for Insurance plus increased risk overall.

Knowing these factors allows you to market the service appropriately - working out the Niche to penetrate the desired market in the desired area. 

Contact us to find out more

Do You Have a Unit for Car Storage?

Business for Farmers


A good location makes a huge difference in our opinion as storage customers naturally want to ensure their vehicles and away from preying eyes, and kept securely. It's fair to say, many customers prefer a countryside location as it adds an extra level of excitement for them especially if they live and work within a large city. 

Farms tend to be situated on the outside of cities and large towns usually with suitable access and surrounded by major transport networks. 

  • The facility should be private and discreet with access to roads.
  • Ideally situated on the outskirts of, or a near town or village.
  • Proximity to an Airport is an advantage but not essential.
  • Be free from mud, dirt and animals.
  • Be pest-free.
  • Secure - ideally with live-on-site management. 
Farmers Start a Car Storage Facility

 Considerations for a site:

  • Vehicle access.
  • Housing location (Security purposes).
  • Transport networks.
  • Other business entities.
  • Discreetness.
  • Building condition.

We can provide you with recommendations on renovation and maintenance works enabling a quick and safe set-up, utilizing our knowledge to do so cost-effectively. We can provide security recommendations, aligning to strict Insurance Policies covering yourself and the vehicles in your care. 

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