
Whilst the initial set-up requires a financial commitment, and time which differs depending on who carries out the scheduled works, once set-up costs are minimal. Possibly the best benefit of all is the amount of people time per week (ptpw), required to maintain the site and service the clients.

It allows time for a person or family to concentrate on other jobs or business, should they choose. 

Unit to Rent for Car Storage. Business for Farmers

"It's a great job, as I can get up close to some really smart classic cars, and meet some really great people". Ben, inside a customer's Honda Integra, Type R. 

In terms of return:

Each car stored generates: £100-160pm (Net) location dependent.

  • If you can take-in 40 cars @ £120pm x 40 cars = Total £4800.00pm which is a recurring payment every month.
  • If you can take-in 60 cars @ £120pm x 60 cars = Total £7200.00pm which is a recurring payment every month.
  • If you can take-in 100 cars @ £120pm x 100 cars = Total £14400.00pm which is a recurring payment every month.

Please note: it's about impossible to expect a full unit in year 1. It can take a few years to develop a successful operation just like any Business.

For a Premium location/service, the monthly amount is:

  • If you take-in 40 cars @ £160pm x 40 cars = Total £6400pm which is a recurring payment every month.
Compared to the amount of time you have to work:

Expected time per week (excluding living on site) is estimated at 10-15 hours (ptpw). Sometimes it's more, sometimes it's less. If you decide to use us you are also welcome to obtain your customers which does incur more time for example; attending a weekly Business networking event or local adverts on the Post office notice board.

A Buoyant Market:
  • Classic Cars (hobby) in the UK, is worth £ 4 billion per annum.
  • Over 850,000 Classic Cars are registered on UK roads, which is increasing.
  • Of these 850,000 cars, they only contribute to 0.24% of UK car mileage - Why?, because they are off the road and are stored away.
  • CLICK - Research & Further Reading.
  • Regulations limiting usage of the combustion engine, with a push for electric vehicles. People don't want to get rid of these motors. 
  • Car enthusiasts don't wish to destroy these vehicles.
  • In 2011, 41% of companies involved in Car storage expected to recruit more staff. This was during the great depression with companies and industries in decline. 
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