How we started:

We established our first car storage facility in 2011 when an opportunity first came about through a good friend who asked if we had space to store two cars due to a death in the family. We had space and accepted - our "light bulb moment". My father's main line of work (car sales) was no longer enjoyable, nor profitable like prior years. So, we looked into developing marketing tools to store cars. The marketing worked well along with utilizing a network of well-developed motor-trade contacts which allowed us to develop the operational side successfully.

Over the years the site slowly developed by both making mistakes and learning how best to run the site efficiently. A car storage facility may sound simple but carries great responsibilities and things do go wrong like all businesses. 

After more than 8 years of successful trade, we decided to look into the idea of expanding. Purely because the son of the family business had been living and working in China for a couple of years, and was asked to come back to help out due to health problems. He developed the original website including; the content, the advertising channel and analytics to obtain the business for the original unit, so he knew something about marketing.

He suggested expanding the idea based on his past success; consulting for both a national Franchise operation (246 franchisees), and a top UK Digital marketing agency. Almost a Franchise but not a Franchise. A newconcept which fits into the discreetness of secure car storage but with the benefits of a large National support group.

And that's how to start a car storage business or company.

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Famous Quote:
“We are only as strong as we are united, as weak as we are divided” - JK Rowling.
Unit to let for Car Storage

Above: "I'm the Creator - Pleasure to meet you". 

How to start a Car Storage company?

We tested the idea in 2017 by assisting a close friend to seek out a farm and set it up. He did so, and within 12 months the place was almost full - with 70 vehicles stored. To be fair, the two senior guys were exceptional sales professionals heavily experienced in the automotive industry, therefore operating a car storage company was not too daunting. So, it's not expected that anyone else could establish so quickly, especially on their own. However, Business leads came in quickly which was not expected, by using our created tester site, most importantly the innovation to give the idea in the first place.

What we provide is the knowledge and skills to start a vehicle storage company quickly - to then assist in establishing it, which can take a few years like all businesses. But without charging obscene fees which you'd pay by choosing to setup with a typical franchise corporation and the benefit of obtaining clients quickly through the Network and various marketing channels.

A unique offering tailored to create and market the business with advisory services included to start a car storage business. Advertising, the generation of business and proficient customer service training.

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